Implemented denotes what is already implemented in phyloGeoRef.
TODO: demotes that things that are must to be done.
Planned: Denotes a change in implementation or adding additional features.
TODO: demotes that things that are must to be done.
Planned: Denotes a change in implementation or adding additional features.
- TREE FORMATs (Files containing the tree data)
Implemented: newick (.nwk) , nexml (.xml) , phyloxml (.xml) , nexus (.nex), (.tolxml)
- METADATA FORMATs (Files which contain the spatial data)
Implemented: csv, txt
Implemented: Simple Mean
Planned: Weighted Mean for trees with edge lengths
Bug: Incorrect positioning algorithm. Modify it and make it efficient.
Planned: Tutorial on writing the main class. (1/2 day)
Implemented: Error checking for implausible lat/long
Implemented: Error due to absence of information given in the tree but not in the metadata file.
Planned: Checking corner cases like when all the child nodes of a parent node have missing locations.
Planned: Checking clade consistency.
Implemented: Display of tip nodes on the map and the skeletal structure of the tree.
Implemented: Levelwise slicing of the tree in folders.
Planned: Hierarchical slicing of the tree into folders.
TODO: HTML balloons associated with each node.
Planned: Associating regions with HTUs also.
Planned: Animation.
Planned: Compressing the kml file as kmz
Planned: Taking images and other rich data from external web services.
Planned: Preparing a local cache for this data since downloading data for thousands of species on each run of the program would be a time wasting process.
Planned: Writing a command line option parser for the main class.
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